Oil Paintings of Florida

Est.1996  Oil paintings of Florida by John Sterpe all rights reserved

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The Legend of Little Awesome Vortex 

Slow finger picking/strum

 C       Am7      F     G_____-___C       B    Am7     G    F   G    C

I know a secret place, its down the river, just aways.

Its where the water swirls around in a hole in the ground  and the eels grass tickles your toes

So just hold on for a little bit longer, time seems to stay the same.

There's a ridge all around as  the legend unfolds , its about the water that flows into a river way down below

I hear the rolling rumbles of thunder, must be ten miles away.

Then the sky cracked wide open, here comes a steady rain.

So just hold on for a little bit longer, time seems to stay the same..

There's a ridge all around a hole in the ground, its where the water flows into the river way down below.

So we got this story about little awesome, at one time they called it a spring,

And when the bottom fell out, a swirl came about, vortex became her name.

Over two hundreds souls were lost that day, swallowed down into the hole.

There's a ridge all around as the legend unfolds- its about the water that flows into a river way down below,

Its where the eel grass swirls below, way on down below,

That's how the story unfolds.

The Legend of Little Awesome Vortex


 John Sterpe July 1st 2024